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Better advertising starts with better audience data

No more guessing the quality or source of your audience data — access our transparent, first-party audience segments to drive better advertising outcomes. 
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Audience Data You Can Trust

We get it—navigating the world of data can feel like a gamble. But it doesn't have to be. With Westpark Data, you're not just buying data; you're investing in insight. Our exclusive first-party audience segments are transparently sourced and rigorously vetted, so you can build campaigns that don’t just reach, but resonate.
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Why Choose Westpark Data

Transparent First Party Sourcing
Know what you’re buying. Our commitment to transparency means you'll know the data sources that your audience segments are curated from.
Exclusive Data Partners
Why settle for the same audience data everyone else is activating? Our data partners are exclusive to Westpark Data, giving you an edge that your competitors can’t replicate.
Seamless Campaign Integration
Easily activate our tailored audiences wherever you run your campaigns. Our direct integrations across leading DSPs and social platforms guarantee a swift and hassle-free delivery.
Purchase-Powered Targeting
We create an anonymous 1:1 match between an individual’s purchase behavior and their devices. This deterministic approach allows you to target based on actual buying habits.

Flexible Integrations

Our integrated partnerships ensure that your audience segments are delivered swiftly and efficiently, so you can focus on what really matters – creating compelling campaigns that drive results.

Curate the perfect audience, everytime

Take the guesswork out of audience segmentation with our deterministic audience data, never using cookies, so you are prepared for the future. Deterministic purchase data sits at the core of an audience segment which can be further enriched through thousands of attributes spanning…
Purchase Behavior:
Tailor your campaigns to align with customers' past buying choices through product-level receipt data.
Reach individuals who exhibit a strong likelihood to make a purchase of your product or service.
App Ownership:
Craft campaigns that resonate with users based on their app preferences by selecting from a diverse pool of over 6,000 apps.
Place Visitation:
Select customers who have visited specific retail locations in a specific time period.
Segment by age, gender and/or language.
Device Characteristics:
Choose users of specific mobile device models, manufacturers, carriers, or operating systems.

Reach out today to learn more about how Westpark Data can help you achieve better advertising outcomes through superior audience data

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